Canterbury Mathematical Association invites you to a Primary Statistics Day
Exploring progressions with Dr Pip Arnold
author of Statistical Investigations
Friday 1st September 9am to 3pm
Morning Tea and Lunch provided
Free to all CMA members
Register Here (registrations close Friday 25th August)
If you are not a CMA member yet register here now!
In this full day workshop participants will explore the PPDAC statistical enquiry cycle. Bring your laptop, an open mind, and a willingness to undertake statistical investigations. During the session we will explore how elements of the PPDAC cycle look across the progressions from years 1 – 8.
If you have a copy of Statistical Investigations | Te Tūhuratanga Tauanga bring it to the session.
Suitable for teachers of Year 1-8 Christchurch Venue: To be confirmed
Dr Pip Arnold is a statistics educator who also sometimes masquerades as a mathematics educator. Pip started her teaching career as a secondary mathematics teacher in Rotorua. Nowadays Pip spends her time working with mathematics and statistics teachers, from year 1-13; writing resources for teaching and learning statistics (and some mathematics); and teaching foundation level data analytics at the University of Auckland. Pip’s book, Statistical Investigations | Te Tūhuratanga Tauanga was published in November 2022 and was written to support teachers to understand the statistics progressions in the NZC and TMoA.